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«August 2014»

Senior Discounts - Speak up, Save money!

My mother always told me that in order to get what you want in life, you have to ask for it. When it comes to saving money, asking for senior discounts can pay off in a big...
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Gluten-free: A fad or something else?

These days, you can buy an incredible variety of products that are gluten free, from bread  and cookies to pizza crust and more.  Even products that neverhad gluten are now including...
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Ensuring Food Safety

Summertime is full of picnics, BBQs and outdoor eating. This can bring with it some challenges it keeping food safe. Most of us know to avoid the mayonnaise-laden potato salad that’s been...
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Exploring Alternative Healing

If you’re a follower of my Facebook page (and I hope that includes all of you!), then you’re familiar with my Home Remedies Mondays, where every Monday, I discuss natural ways to...
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Exploring Alternative Healing

  • 22 August 2014
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3351
Exploring Alternative Healing
If you’re a follower of my Facebook page (and I hope that includes all of you!), then you’re familiar with my Home Remedies Mondays, where every Monday, I discuss natural ways to help ease the symptoms of some of life’s most common ailments – often with items you may have sitting on your kitchen shelf!

In this blog post, I thought I would share some other forms of natural healing, which I’ve found to be very beneficial to my own health. Alternative medicine has grown faster than any other form of healthcare. Nearly 40 percent of adults have used some form of alternative therapies.

Ensuring Food Safety

  • 19 August 2014
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3333
Ensuring Food Safety
Summertime is full of picnics, BBQs and outdoor eating. This can bring with it some challenges it keeping food safe. Most of us know to avoid the mayonnaise-laden potato salad that’s been sitting on the picnic table for too long. But what about keeping other foods safe?

Other bearers of illness-producing bacteria may surprise you. Take deli meats, for example. Cold cuts and hot dogs can be contaminated with dangerous bacteria if not packaged properly. Food contamination can happen at any stage of the process – from growing to processing to shipping to preparing. It’s a particular challenge with foods that aren’t cooked enough to help kill bacteria. And while food poisoning is nasty for anyone.